
Training is undoubtedly the most efficient way to maintain and control costs. It guarantees a constant cleaning standard, reduces staff turnover and makes for a better utilization of all our resources.

WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) education is covered wherever hazardous chemicals are used in the workplace.

Training for supervision and management is equally important to Super Shine as each level of personnel works together to ultimately provide the highest standard of service possible.

Cleaning Techniques By simple language and universally understood symbols, we provide step-by-step instructions on the most frequently performed cleaning tasks. By approaching training for everyone in the same manner we provide consistent service through consistent procedures, thus ensuring every employee will complete the task in the same manner, everywhere.

STAFF TRAINING Without sufficient knowledge of the proper use of cleaning chemicals and equipment, cleaning methods are little more than guesswork and therefore non-productive. At Super Shine, we stress the important of initial training with constant reviews for all levels of personnel. Using training aids such as audio-visual programs and “hands-on” techniques. Super Shine ensures that its staff is knowledgeable in the proper use of cleaning chemicals and equipment.

WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) education is covered wherever hazardous chemicals are used in the workplace.

Training for supervision and management is equally important to Super Shine as each level of personnel works together to ultimately provide the highest standard as service possible.


Our approach to retail space and shopping centers is unique.


We have extensive experience in the particular needs of commercial & institutional housekeeping.


Super Shine Representatives work together with our customers in order

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